If you’re not from near eastern Canada, it might be possible that you’ve never heard of what a ‘popper’ is in the context of cannabis smoking. It isn’t known for certain where exactly this originates from and most people assume it was Ontario or Quebec that created it. It’s most commonly enjoyed in a big glass bong rather than a little cheap glass pipe and there’s a few decent reasons you should probably keep it that way. Smoking anything at all is harmful to the lungs, like literally anything, any form of smoke is just not meant to be introduced into your system, but humans will be humans right?

First off, you can’t really have a true popper if it doesn’t make the sound that inspired the name of it. When smoking these, one usually puts a little pinch of tobacco at the bottom of their bowl then covers it with weed. Then you have to light it very slow and get an even burn across the green top, then suck in very hard so that the tobacco is burned very quick. When done right, this usually results in the clump of tobacco being pulled right through the stem from the bowl and makes that lovely popping noise. That’s just not possible in cheap glass pipes of course, and you’re likely to just inhale a bunch of gross stuff while you’re trying.

    The smoke you get from a little pipe is also way damn hotter than smoke that’s been cooled by bubbling water in a bong. I can’t even imagine how nasty and harsh that smoke must be but I’ve seen people do tit and survive so who knows, try it if you dare, but logically it just isn’t a very good move health wise. If you do this already or now you’re tempted despite these warnings, at least pick up some nice, natural rolling tobacco, instead of using what’s rolled into commercial cigarettes because there’s a world of difference between the two and the natural stuff will at least give you that nicotine buzz you want.

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