Hot spots or acute moist dermatitis is a skin condition that consists of irritating patches resulting from an initial irritation that develops into something much worse due to a bacterial infection. This often happens around the neck, hips, limbs, and heads.

The moist and red patches are often too painful and uncomfortable for the dog, and they tend to ooze and scab, leading to matted fur and loss of fur in the affected area. While the hot spots are localized and affect only specific areas, you need to figure out the underlying cause to treat the issues fully.

Skin Irritation Causing Hot Spots in Dogs

Infection and imbalances often lead to hot spots, especially if the dog or puppy scratches and gnaws at it. Several factors including: often trigger this

  • Food Allergies
  • Obsessive Chewing or Licking (from boredom or stress)
  • Insect Bites
  • Abrasions or Cuts
  • Splinters or Thorns
  • Flea Allergies
  • Ear Infection
  • Matted Fur
  • Anal Gland Infection

Unfortunately, some of these conditions worsen during warmer, most months. This is because such openings and scrapes can be avenues through which bacteria find their way into the animal’s body. This, in turn, weakens the dog’s immune system and can lead to inflammation, redness, itchiness, heat, pain, and other side effects. Not many people know that food plays a major role in reversing some of these conditions. Invest in raw pet food and you will be surprised.

Knowing your dog is Suffering from Hot Spots.

Several ways to tell if your dog is suffering from a hot spot. This include:

  • Localized Inflammation and Redness of the Affected Area
  • Constant Licking, Scratching, or Chewing
  • Painful, Itchy Patch of Skin
  • Oozing Sores or Crusty Scabs
  • Moist Matted Fur
  • Hair Loss With Dry Scaly Skin
  • Foul Odor Coming From Hot Spot Lesion(s)
  • Lethargy or Depression Associated With Pain
  • Unusual Aggression Associated With Pain

Effective Treatments of Hot Spots

You need to know the specific symptoms of hot spots. These include:

  • Localized Inflammation and Redness of the Affected Area
  • Constant Licking, Scratching, or Chewing
  • Painful, Itchy Patch of Skin
  • Unusual Aggression Associated With Pain
  • Oozing Sores or Crusty Scabs
  • Moist Matted Fur
  • Hair Loss With Dry Scaly Skin
  • Foul Odor Coming From Hot Spot Lesion(s)
  • Lethargy or Depression Associated With Pain

Raw Pet Food and Hot Spot Healing

Most pet owners already know how important and beneficial raw feeding is for their pets. However, it may be a surprise that this kind of feeding can help their dogs with hot spots. Balanced raw food has all the necessary and relevant protein sources that support excellent skin health. Go for foods that have functional foods and supplements. Choose quality food that contains all the ingredients free from empty or harmful ingredients.

Fortunately, there are a lot of convenient yet healthy raw pet foods. Order yours from Houston Pet Food and get started on healing your pet’s skin issues.