Now that you have purchased your dream house and planning to move into it, there a few things to do first, such as pack/unpack the boxes, arrange stuff at the right place, ready the house for inhabitancy, etc. To make the experience of shifting to a new place an easier and gratifying one, do a little preparation before the ‘moving in’ day. Below, we have compiled a checklist of the things you must do before and after moving into a new house.

Things to Do Before Moving Into a House

Below-mentioned are preparations you should do before shifting to a new house:

  1. Mark ‘Open First’ Boxes

Kitchen utensils, bedding, toiletries, medications, etc are some of the important items you will need on the first day in your new house. Put all the medicines in one box, kitchen utensils in another separate box, and henceforth. Mark these boxes as ‘open-first’ and put a label on top, mentioning the things the boxes contain.

  1. Supplies during the Journey

There are a few items you cannot stack away in a closed box and haul it in the van for later use. These include food items, drinking water, power-bank to charge mobile phones and devices, and other things required at the time of journey from your old to the new house. Carry dry items to snack on so that you do not have to dirty your hands much. This reminds, you should also carry a hand sanitizer in your handbag.

  1. Games to Play

To keep yourself and your folks entertained, consider creating a separate box for games to carry, such as a deck of cards to play rummy, Black Jack, 21, etc. Board games such as Monopoly, chess, scrabble, etc, will also do. If you have a small carom board, include even that. So once unpacking and arranging of stuff is completed, you can relax with your people, and enjoy a game or two over the meal.

If you want to spend some time alone, then you can play games on the internet as well. Probably download a rummy app for your smartphone, and since a new house may feel strange at first to adjust in, games can fill the void and keep you busy.

  1. Belongings of Your Pets

If you have pet animals, then you need to prepare a box for their needs, separately. Put the necessary items such as poop bags, leash, collars, water dish, food bowl, toys, medicines, cage or crate, and other stuff as required, in once place, so that when need arises, you can access all without having to skim through different boxes for your pet’s belongings.

  1. An Overnight Bag

Opening too many boxes on the very first day of moving in may not be on your list. But, you need to assure a good sleep on the first night. So, rather than emptying out too many boxes, you can prepare one for nightly needs. This bag can contain items such as night clothes, hair products, room fresheners, incense, medicines, toothbrush and toothpaste, eye mask, etc.

  1. Handyman Tools

Keep the tool box of handyman within reach, because you may need this anytime within the first few days of your stay. You may have to make a few quick fixtures, such as fix photo-frames or mirrors on the wall, tighten screws around a latch or door, fix any loose plumbing, assemble furniture, etc. Things you should include in the box are: a hammer, drill, pliers, screws, screw driver, and other hardware tools.

Things to Do After Moving into the House

Below-mentioned are preparations you should do after shifting to a new house:

  1. Unpack the Items You Need

Remember the ‘open first’ boxes? Stack those together in a corner, so that these are accessible to everyone. You can open these anytime you need the necessary stuff. The other boxes, you can let those be for the moment. However, make sure to stack the boxes you do not need urgently, in rooms, so as to reduce obstructions in passageways, doorways, etc.

  1. Instruct the Kids

Since the house is new for kids as well, and they may not be well aware of every nook or corner, you have to be careful. Instruct the kids about the rooms they can access, and the rooms or areas they cannot visit until permitted. The restricted areas could be the basement, store room, backyard, or any lonesome place with a lot of things stored.

  1. Clean the Rooms

The task of cleaning the rooms should be a priority. Hire a house-help for the task if needed, or you may involve a few family members for the same as helping hands. Broom every room adequately. You can even use a vacuum clear. Do not forget to mop the floors and take off cobwebs if any.

  1. Get Comfortable

It is time to put the basic items in your room. This could mean starting off with ‘open first’ boxes. Arrange the toiletries in the bathroom, put the medicines in a tray and place in an area you will remember, and arrange the cookware and utensils in the kitchen. Spread fresh bed-sheet on bed, cover the pillows, drape the windows, and get comfortable in the new house.

  1. Take Care of Waste Disposal

After unpacking and cleaning around, there will be leftover waste. Take out the garbage bags and separate the wet and dry waste. Dispose the bags carefully in a community dustbin in the area. Or stack the waste bags in an area from where it is easier for the garbage pickup truck to collect the waste.

  1. Arrange for Meals and a Good Night’s Sleep

If you already have the kitchen arranged and cleaned, then you can cook a meal for your folks. Or if you are too tired to cook, simply consider ordering food home or visiting a nearby restaurant. Check out with neighbours or the previous owners about the best restaurants around the area. After the hot meal, you can now relax with your folks.

Play a few games or watch movies together and bond over with each other. Remember the overnight bag you had arranged to store all the necessary stuff for bedtime? Use it now and get a good sleep, waking up to a new beginning the next day.

To Conclude

Moving into your dream house can be a delightful experience. But to make the process hassle-free and easy, follow the above-mentioned tips.

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