We live in a day and age in which people brag about hustling and working 24/7. That, to put it lightly, sounds like an awful life. Luckily, more and more people are starting to shift to the productivity mindset in which quality is more important than quantity.

With that in mind, these productivity shifts can help you achieve success when incorporated properly, whether you’re a car accident attorney or freelance photographer.

Do work when you’re most effective

The entire concept behind being productive is doing work when you’re typically most productive or at high-energy times.

There are an endless number of findings for when people are most productive, their brains are functioning best, and when they complete the most amount of work. One study will say to work early in the morning while the next will say to go through a morning routine and then work after that, and everything in between.

The best thing you can do is figure out your situation to see when you’re most effective. What time of the day will allow you to be most productive? Everyone’s situation is different, so everyone’s answer is likely to be different.

Remember that sleep is essential

Sleep is important. It should be paramount no matter what industry you’re trying to conquer, from kitchen remodeling to running a restaurant.

It’s no mystery that sleep helps with job performance. A good night’s sleep can help you function better, feel more alert, refresh your mind, and simply not feel tired.

When we’re exhausted, sleep is the only thing we can think about. Conversations, work, and performance levels can take a nosedive as a result. If you want to do your best work (and, in this case, be more productive), then you have to get the proper amount of sleep.

Say goodbye to distractions

Some people might think distractions are harmless, but they can keep us away from work, and it’s also hard to refocus and get back into the zone once distracted.

The best way to be productive is by working when you’re supposed to be working. It’s a simple concept and can lead to you getting done with your work faster because you’re focusing in on only one thing.

Unfortunately, distractions arise, but you have to get rid of them if you’re going to be the most productive version of yourself. That means eliminating phone calls, texts, emails, social media, and anything else that pulls you away from the task at hand.

Protect your time

This is one of the hardest productivity tips to achieve. You don’t want to be rude if someone, whether it be your roommate if you work from home or co-worker if you work in an office, asks you a question or wants to drop by and say hello.

However, you’re the only one who can protect your time because you’re the only one in control of all 24 hours of your day.

As an example, you woke up early this morning to do work, so do work. The sooner you stop feeling guilty about that, the better. If it helps, you can tell people when you’re going to be doing focused work and to not bother you during that time. If they don’t understand, then they’re impeding your success and don’t deserve your time.

Keep your “why” close by

Why are you working on your current project? Is it to learn? Make money? Perhaps you’re doing your work because it will lead to your goals coming true.

Whatever the case might be, keeping your “why” close will help you focus on why your work is important, and it will also be motivating when your attention and determination start to waver.

A good routine beats motivation every time, but it’s still important to focus on why you’re doing something because it’s the entire reason you’re doing it.

You can do many things to achieve success. We hope these productivity shifts can help make a difference in your life.

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