If you or someone you know is suffering from narcolepsy or has sleep disorder because of work in shifts for a long time then you have probably heard about the Modafinil pills.

What is Modafinil

It is a medication that comes in liquid form or pills. Mostly, it can be bought only with doctor permission, but it is possible in some countries to buy it without a doctor’s prescription. See more about prescriptions here.

At first, it has been used for regulation of the sleeping of the persons with sleeping disorders, but after a while, it is used for improving the decision making, problems resolving and even improving the creativity.

Because of all of this, it is also known as „the smart medicine“. The scientists that are involved in data research on this medicine, notify that this medicine can be used for a very short period of time because there is not enough research done for the effect on the health in cases of a long period of consummation the Modafinil.

History of Modafinil

Modafinil was first created in France. In the Lafon laboratories, it was first used for an experimental treatment for persons who had problems with narcolepsy. In the United States of America, Modafinil has been used since 1998 only as narcolepsy treatment, but after a few years, they started using it for sleep disorder and apnea. After a few years, it has been approved in the United Kingdom and then in most of the countries around Europe.

How does it help with a sleep disorder?

Modafinil keeps people awake by stimulating the dopamine level in the brain and makes people awake more than usual. Most of the people that work in shifts have problems with sleeping and after a few years of not sleeping enough, sleeping on rates, sleeping during the day and staying awake at night or being awake more than 24 hours per day.

This can make long-time problems with sleeping but also with concentration, working ability, etc. So Modafinil can help people being awake and more concentrated during work hours, and even making better decisions while working.

Is Modafinil the “Allmighty” pill?

Modafinil can help you if you have a lot of work that needs to be done, in a very short time. It can help you get on meetings for 24 or 48 hours, without sleeping, you can work and finish before the time of your deadline, travel longer and always be on time for everything. But, you have to sleep after finishing your work, because the body itself needs rest.

Some researchers say that people with higher IQ are also smart with or without the pill but are more concentrated, even in the periods when they would have been tired and sleepy without the pill. Some people call it the smart drug, the limitless pill, brain Viagra, Moda, Go pill, Daffy.

Also, the researchers said that the people with lower IQ have more benefits with the pill – they had better IQ tests with the pill, and were awake and concentrated like the people with higher IQ. Learn more about how the IQ is measured on this link: https://www.123test.com/what-is-iq-what-is-intelligence/

So, unfortunately, the pills can’t help smart people to be smarter, but they can make them smarter for a long period of time instead of 8 hours per day. They can work and make decisions for more than 24 hours a day.

Is Modafinil legal in all of the countries?

In the United States of America, it is legal and patients can use it under doctor’s permission. If you have a prescription, you can buy it but only in 50 dosage units. It is impossible to cross the border with more than 50 units, and the only way to take the pills with you in any state in the USA is to show a prescription from the doctor.

In Europe, it is permitted in most of the countries, but with doctor surveillance and prescription. In Romania, for example, it is used with the exception of athletes in sports competitions. In Sweden, it is used only with doctor’s permission, as well as in most of the Scandinavian countries. In these countries, it is used only for patients with narcolepsies. You can’t get it for any other condition or if you have an important reason to stay awake. In Mexico, you can buy it anytime, anywhere, with or without permission or prescription.

Which are the best places to buy it?

It is very easy and safe to buy it at a pharmacy. But, just like everything else, it is available online. You can buy it there too.

Why you should buy Modafinil online? It’s easier, cheaper, you can have home delivery, and the thing is you don’t need a prescription for it. Since it has a lot of laws in all the countries that are different, the seller doesn’t care about whether to sell it online or not.

You can choose where from to buy it, at which price, which will give you more value for the money, and even choose the producer. The prices vary from 1,30 US dollars per 200 grams to 50 US dollars per 200 grams.

Side effects and when not to use it?

As with any other drug, Modafinil has its side effects. If you have had depression or still have it then Modafinil can increase it. It can cause dizziness, headache, stuffy nose, dry mouth, diarrhea, trough pain, pain in the back, problems with stomach, anxiety, and skin reactions that are very severe. If you have any skin reaction, visit your doctor. Also, you should contact your doctor if you have hallucinations or confusion or any mood changes.

Don’t forget to talk to your doctor about the drug – the doctor should be the first to alert when not to use it and why. No matter what everyone says, your doctor knows your health the best and would know if you must not take Modafinil. If the doctor is okay with it then go ahead and use it.