Are you staring at fine lines in your skin? Are there aging spots? Are there acne scars that you would like to clear up? Cosmetic treatments may help to improve the look and feel of the skin significantly.

Treatment varies. Some rely on the production of collagen, and others try to fill the wrinkles and give it a smooth look. The treatments are less invasive than surgery and don’t need long recovery time. However, their costs vary based on the expertise of cosmetologist in Kolkata. But the popularity of these treatments is rising.

Botox Treatment

It consists of bacterium that causes botulism. The cosmetlogist uses a very thin needle to inject Botox in small quantities into the muscle in the face. The amount is enough to reduce the lines and wrinkles. Botox paralyzes the muscles and blocks the normal functioning of nerves. The cosmetologist targets specific muscles so that there is minimal effect on the surrounding skin. The need of regular injections depends on the severity of wrinkles. The procedure doesn’t take much time, and there is anesthesia required either. The results usually are there for a few months before you need to revisit the doctor.

Chemical Peel

It is meant to treat wrinkles, acne scars, rough skin, age spots, etc. In the treatment, a chemical solution is applied to affected areas. It can range from mild to deep and depends on the severity of the skin. The mild peels make of alpha-hydroxy acid, and trichloroacetic acid is used for peels at medium level. Fine acnes are removed using either of them. For the treatment of deeper scars or wrinkles, phenol is used. The results are better than peels, but time to recovery may be longer. But the best part is that you won’t need the treatment again for the next ten years.

Laser Treatment

In the laser skin resurfacing treatment, pulsating beams of light are used to treat the wrinkles, uneven skin tone, aging spots, and scars. It removes the outer layer while heating the deeper layers of the skin. The result is a rise in the production of collagen, which helps the skin to look smooth. For deep wrinkles and scars, the ablative laser is used while the non-ablative laser treats the signs of aging. But there are some side effects and recovery time can last for years.


Find the best cosmetologist in Kolkata for these treatments and get a younger look that you always had craved for.

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