You might be a swimming fan, or you might be the type that stays totally away from the water, well, before you make that choice whichever it might be, it’d be beneficial if you knew some facts about swimming laps.

  1. Offers a full-body workout

If you were seeking an alternative workout that’s less intense, then swimming should be your thing. It doesn’t just target one or two areas of the body, but the whole body from your upper to your lower body

  1. Helps in improving flexibility

As you stretch your hands, twist and turn, your body is provided with joint-friendly muscle training. Dissimilar to strength training, swimming requires a full range of motion; this keeps muscles and joints loose.

  1. Burns calories

Compared to other everyday low-impact activities, swimming helps burn twice the amount of calories in the same duration.  Bear in mind that swimming is going to give you a bigger appetite, and if you aren’t careful with your diet, you’ll need to burn more calories than you consume for weight loss.

  1. Improves physique and helps build strength

For those who incorporate swimming into their workout routine, it is easy to notice a change in your physique and strength. Since swimming is a medium-intensity workout, swimming laps will help you gain more strength from the water resistance, which is 12 times that of air. Adding swimming laps to your other workout routine, along with dieting and use of supplements, like those found on, will give you the best workout results.

  1. It benefits the heart

Being one of the cardiovascular exercises, swimming laps uses large muscle movement while maintaining the heart rate to at least 50% of its maximum level. It increases blood flow, improves breathing and improves blood pressure.

  1. Reduction in inflammation

In the event that you suffer inflammation, swimming helps relieve some of the pain or can help improve recovery from an injury and give you better sleep at night.

  1. Safe means of exercising

By far, swimming has to be the safest means of working out – considering you know how to swim that is. Unlike weightlifting and calisthenics, your body is less likely to suffer damage for working out too long. Apart from that the fact that it’s safe, it can also be done by people with disabilities, arthritis, asthma and other issues that make high-impact exercise hard.

  1. All-year-round workout

Regardless of the general association with warm weather, swimming is an all-year-round exercise and isn’t a health risk in different seasons.

  1. Mood Stimulant

A small group of people with dementia were participants in a 3-month swimming workout program that saw an improvement in their mood. Swimming can leave you in a relaxed state, rather than exhausted like other workouts.

  1. Lifespan Boost

Swimming laps not only keeps you fit but also helps increase your lifespan. Research shows that swimmers have a 50% lower death rate than non-swimmers. If this doesn’t motivate you to start swimming today, nothing will.


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