Your dresser doesn’t need to just be a storage solution for your room, make use of the dresser topper to add to the design of your room and contribute to the overall theme of your home!

Dressers are a great addition to your home! They have multiple purposes and are very practical. They’re perfect for both small and large homes. In large homes, they can create organisation and structure. In a small home, it can act as a form of functionality as well as an opportunity for design, which small houses often miss out on due to the lack of space.

At 1825 interiors we offer a large range of dressers as well as home accessories online to help you make your design journey as easy and practical as possible through the comfort of your own home! With our detailed descriptions and abundance of images, you will feel trusting in shopping on our website


  • Start with a Clean State

Before you start planning out your design on your dresser topper and begin grasping inspiration from left, right and centre, ensure that your dresser and dresser topper is completely clean and free from clutter.

Often the top of your dresser is used as a space to simply throw random objects on top of. Whether it be hats, books or old mail, sort through it and find a home for it elsewhere. If your dresser is free of mess from the beginning it is likely to stay clear of mess through your design process and continue to keep your dresser topper in an organised manner.   

  1. Balance the Placement of Objects

The fun has begun when you have started buying and finding accessories to decorate on top of your topper. But the key to making sure you are using those accessories to their full potential is to place them neatly on your topper and focus on scale.

A good way to kick off the perfect balance is to start with one large piece. Try using framed artwork or a mirror! Our Florence Mirror ($398.00) is a great option as it is overall quite big but will balance out well above your dresser as it likely to be slightly smaller in width.

  1. It’s All About the Accessories

This is where your creativity takes the wheel and where you will have the opportunity to build on the style of your room. When choosing accessories, focus on colour, shape and texture. Match these elementto other parts of your room to form harmony.

If you have decided to use the colour green throughout your room, like green pillows and splashes of green through the artwork, try decorating your dresser with some green. The Aqua Vase Large ($52.00) is a modern design and unique. It will take your room to a new level that is eye catching and exciting.

  1. Avoid Clutter

Do not put too much or too little on your dresser topper. Too little is boring and basic and too much becomes a form of clutter. To avoid clutter try planning your decoration, try out placing each object in different orders and scales until you find the perfect arrangement.

  1. Use It for Storage

Don’t be scared of putting your storage on display. Your storage can be pretty and stylish if you go the right way about it. You can store jewellery on a vintage stand or you can stack books with retro stands on either side – your options are endless.

Why not pop our Martha Porcelain Jar W/ Lid ($15.00) on your topper and put all your electric adapters inside it, or opt for a spot to put your hair ties and clips? The secret storage opportunities are limitless!

  1. Does It Enhance Your Room?

You know you have successfully decorate your dresser topper if your room has been heightened in creativity and increased in originality. The room should not feel cluttered and should be exciting. If you have found this medium, you have accomplished the decoration of your dresser topper part of your interior design journey. 

Now that you’re versed on how to decorate a dresser, it’s time to get exploring! You can use this method on dressers, desks, display units and cabinets alike! Accessorising is the perfect way to add a personal touch to your gorgeous homewares.