Recruiters are relying on cell phones to assist them in reaching job applicants. Most individuals are busy. Organizations have used cell phones as a way of reaching job applicants. Recruitment firms experienced challenges when seeking top applicants for positions. It is difficult for recruiters to keep their pipeline filled with good applicants. This may occur because there is a lack of continuity in maintaining contact with candidates they have placed in positions.

Texting individuals has allowed staffing companies to gain access to job candidates. Because individuals all over society are texting, staffing companies have taken on to this trend and they are using the tendency individuals have of sending text messages to get candidates and maintain contact with their applicant pool. Staffing companies used texting as a way of communication with applicants throughout the entire process of filling positions. Texting allows individuals who fill positions to work in a productive manner when they hire applicants.

Companies maintain their list of job applicants by using text message services. Staffing companies have a hard time keeping their applicants and sending them to additional job assignments. By texting individuals who have contracted with their staffing organizations, agencies build a community. Companies can cultivate their relationships with former and current staffing contractors.

Staffing firms can work on their lead generation by using text messages. Companies can use text messages to inform managers in the business community of their services and ask for referrals. This can increase the number of contracts that receive from businesses. By cultivating relationships with decision-makers in companies, agencies can get additional business contracts. This can provide a firm with the insight they need to hire applicants with skills to fill positions.

Individuals of all ages use their mobile phones to communicate with others about employment. Research shows that over 50% of adults use their cell phones to look for open positions. Because applicants know that recruiters use cell phones to communicate, they expect to receive information about positions on their phones relevant to their search. Job applicants have no desire to receive information that is not relevant to their job search.

The staffing industry knows that applicants have a desire for text messages and have responded by using text recruiting software to help in the hiring process. Firms have responded by providing applicants with the information they desire to receive about open positions through text messaging companies. By using bots, text messaging companies can give applicants information about vacancies. Jared Bazel, a leader in the text recruiting software industry, believes that it is important for organizations to provide applicants with text messaging services.

There are individuals who do not feel they need social media profiles. However, these individuals may look for positions in their industries through other online platforms. By providing text messages, recruiters and staffing companies can have access to this applicant pool who does not engage in social media in any capacity. Also, companies can reach individuals who use social media on a limited basis because their work does not require social media interaction.

Today, it is important for organizations to use text recruiting software because adults in our society respond to text messages. Individuals read over 97% of text messages in less than a minute after they receive them. This response time far outweighs other practices used to recruit individuals for positions. Less than .01% of text messages go unread by recipients. This shows that one of the top ways to reach a candidate is to send them a text message to their mobile device.

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