How many times each of us moved to a new residence, and how many times he lost a piece of furniture or a broken glass during the transfer of the furniture of the house, or was exposed to a crack or wound, and caused heart in our hearts, and how many times we will return the ball, is there a way that might help us move the furniture without these Losses, and how we can do that, before we get into the section of advice and methods in transferring used furniture from home to home, and here I address anyone who wants to build his house for the first time or even buy one piece of furniture is one of the advice that can be provided to him.

There is no doubt that no one likes losses, especially when they are in his home appliances and furniture, because they are of course expensive, and they lose their runners and their efficiency in repeating shocks and scratches. To avoid this, we recommend the following:


In the case of wooden furniture, such as sofas, bedrooms, and wooden kitchens, several steps must be observed:

* Wrapping wooden pieces well to keep them from scratches or bumps.

* Removing the furniture pieces that need to be removed by professionals to avoid damaging any of the parts as a result of wrong handling.

* Using a winch by professionals to ensure the safety of your furniture and avoid narrow stair bruises.

* Clean and sterilize the furniture well before transportation to avoid the transfer of germs or insects.

Electrical devices

Everyone is always keen on the safety of the devices due to the high prices and the lack of tolerance of breakdowns and their absence from home. Before transferring your devices you must:

* Clean all appliances and make sure that there are no waste products inside them, such as refrigerators, washing machine filters, dishwashers, and hood filters.

* Drying all devices completely, whether from the inside to avoid any breakdowns or the outside to avoid rust and corrosion problems.

* If you keep the carton of each cork device and the protective corking bases for it, it is preferable to use that, but in case it is lost, you will have to cover it with thick cardboard and shock absorbers, and it is preferable to carry it on the winches to preserve it as much as possible.

* In the case of devices that will require removal from their old location and installation in their new location, you should request specialists in this for fear of mistaking the devices.


Thinner and weaker home users who demand extra care due to their delicacy, they must:

* Packaging glass pieces of chandeliers, utensils, cups, etc., with thick paper or cork and wrapping them in pieces of cloth to avoid shocks.

* Each piece is individually wrapped and then stacked in thick cartons in a correct way, until each piece takes its position and is not compressed, or there is room for it to move around.

Furnishings and clothes

Before transferring the furniture from curtains, carpets, bed covers, as well as clothes, they must be washed, sterilized, and wrapped in sealed wallets or bags, and if the matter is required in case they are left closed for a long time, we add some perfumery or pest control inside the bags, such as naphthalene, to avoid Furniture and clothes contamination, or any insects have arrived, and the pest has been transferred to the new home.

Tips during the transfer process

There is no doubt that this process requires considerable time and effort, which can be mitigated by:

* Using the specialists to transport the furniture safely, saving time and effort in removing and moving furniture instead of doing it in stages.

* The companies specialized in transporting luggage provide closed and equipped transport vehicles, arranged from the inside in the form of shelves, their internal capacity varies according to estimating the size and quantity of your transports to transport your furniture in one sentence in a very safe and protective way.

* Securing the new location where the windows safety and checking the walls and ceilings from cracks that might harbor insects.

* Sterilize the place and clean it well before entering the furniture to avoid spreading any pests or insects.

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