
Python is a high-level programming language for general purposes and is object-oriented. It became famous due to the easy syntax, portability and because it is simple to learn. It is very simple to understand as well. Python is a language that covers C and Java characteristics. It offers the style of writing a stylish code like C, and provides courses and items like Java for object-oriented programming. To learn more about the Python Language, you can opt for Python classes in Pune.

Python is an open source language that allows anyone to download and create programs freely from You can access and modify your source code in the project, if needed. The Python language is one of Google’s official ones. There are many factors behind Python becoming very popular in the programming community.

Key Features

Python is handled by Python Interpreter during operation. It is an Object-oriented Language. It supports object-oriented programming functions and methods. It is also a very Interactive Program Language. Python interpreters can be directly used to communicate with users to write programs. It is an Easy language, particularly for beginners. Python is simple to learn. It has straight forward syntax. Python syntax formation is easy and user friendly, making it popular. The source code of the Python is easily described.

Python codes can be run with the same interface on a broad range of hardware systems. Python interpreter can be supplied with low-level module by users. The structure of Python supports big programs and shell scripts enhanced. In Python, you can develop some of the most famous web applications like Instagram, YouTube and Spotify.

Python is a high-level scripting language that is interpreted, interactive and object oriented. Python is made to be extremely easy to read. It commonly utilizes English keywords where punctuation is used as in other languages and has less syntactic structures than other languages.

Python is interpreted

The Interpreter handles Python at runtime. Before you execute, you do not have to compile your program. The PERL and PHP are similar.

Python is Interactive

In reality, you can sit in a Python prompt and communicate with the translator to write your programs straight.

Python is object-oriented

Python promotes object-oriented programming style or method encapsulating code in objects.

Python is a beginner’s language

Python supports the development of a wide range of applications, from simple text translation to WWW browser and games. Python supports beginners while in development phase.

Python History was developed at the National Research Institute of Mathematics in the Netherlands in the late 80’s and early 90’s by Guido van Rossum. Python is derived from many other languages, such as ABC, Modula-3, C, C++, Algol-68, SmallTalk, Unix, etc. Like Perl, the GNU General Public License (GPL) now provides Python sources.

The features of Python include “Easy to Learn”, “few keywords”, a simple structure, and a clearly defined syntax. These Python’s features enable the student to rapidly learn the language. It has a large conventional library − Python’s library is very portable and platform-based. It is UNIX, Windows and Macintosh-compatible.

Python has interactive mode assistance which enables interactive software snippet testing and debugging. Python has the same interface on a wide range of hardware platforms. The Python interpreter is capable of adding lower level modules. These modules allow programmers to improve or adapt their tools. All major commercial databases are provided with interfaces by Python.

Thus, we have seen the key details related to Python Language and its features. If you want to become an expert in Python, you should go for Python Training in Pune.


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