It is well known that endurance depends almost exclusively on the number of mitochondria in a working muscle.

Mitochondria determine endurance in any kind of exercise, sprinting, strength or Reputable Steroid Seller. However, the power reserve – the ratio of the lifted weight to the maximum, also affects the duration of the exercise, the duration of which is within 1-2 minutes.

To begin with, let’s recall how the energy supply of the MV occurs. The first 15-20 seconds. MV works on phosphates (ATP and KrF).

Having given its phosphate residue for the resynthesis of myofibrillar ATP, free Cr rushes into the sarcoplasm in order to pick up the phosphate residue from the sarcoplasmic or mitochondrial ATP.

After 15-20 seconds, there is no KrF reserve in myofibrils. All Kr is constantly moving from myofibrils to the sarcoplasm and vice versa, that is, it works in the mode of the so-called creatine phosphate shuttle.

You can read more about this process in my article “The Role of Creatine Phosphate in the Energy Supply of Muscles” (Iron World No. 9. 2015).

From the point of view of biochemistry, the rate of KrF resynthesis during aerobic glycolysis using mitochondria in OMV is 30% of its initial concentration in myofibril. That is, working on aerobic glycolysis OMV can develop a power equal to 30% of the power on phosphates. This is theoretically.

In practice, in the laboratory “Information Technologies in Sports”, Professor V. N. Seluyanov obtained slightly different data. When working on a bicycle ergometer at a high rate of pedaling, a decrease in power by 50% was recorded.

The power of work on fats is less than the power of aerobic glycolysis by about 10%. As a result, we obtain the following model: OMV having spent 15-20 seconds on phosphates sharply loses power by at least half, after which the power stabilizes at this level, and the work continues for as long as the glycogen reserves in MV allow.

For trained athletes, this can be 3 hours. With longer work, in order to maintain power and not switch to fat oxidation, athletes of cyclic sports use carbohydrate drinks. PMV work for about 30 minutes.

In cyclic sports, 60 minutes, but when working with free weights, it is not always possible to maintain the optimal trajectory of movement, and higher-threshold DEs will be willy-nilly connected, gradually accumulating hydrogen ions. As for the GMV, after 15-20 seconds there is a constant decrease in power and at 60 seconds it will be zero.

Consider the sequence of involving different types of CFs in some kind of strength exercise. As an example, take the bench press of a relatively low weight. First, OMV will be included in the work. After they work out for 15-20 seconds on phosphates, their power drops by at least 50%.

In order to continue the exercise, the brain begins to generate nerve impulses of a higher frequency and higher threshold OMV are recruited, and if the weight is greater than the one they can handle, then part of the PMV.

They also work out their 15-20 seconds. after which their power drops by 50% and to continue the exercise it is required to recruit new, higher threshold DEs. This is happening. But at the same time, all OMVs continue to operate at half their initial capacity, unless of course there is oxygen access.

Since the weight is small and the exercise is done at full amplitude, there is no interruption in oxygen. But the newly recruited PMV are already tired. They work for a while at half their capacity, and then gradually begin to acidify, and the power in them decreases.

Therefore, to continue work, GMVs start to connect. They also work out their 15-20 seconds. on phosphates, after which they almost immediately begin to lose power, because there are almost no mitochondria in them, and the accumulation of hydrogen ions is like an avalanche.

This process continues until all the GMOs are recruited, and when the latter work out their phosphate and lose their power, failure occurs. At the same time, OMVs continue to work, as before, but their capacity is no longer enough.

An average man has 30% OMV in his hands (and, accordingly, in the muscles that carry out movements of his hands). Based on this, we can assume the following:

  1. The power of OMV is important when working with a weight of up to 15% of PM in untrained athletes and up to 25% in trained ones.
  2. The number of mitochondria in PMV and GMV is important when working with a weight of up to 30-40% of PM.
  3. If an athlete performs an exercise with a weight of more than 40% of the PM, then the decisive factor determining the number of repetitions is his strength, that is, the development of the GMP.

About the dependence of endurance on strength wrote Elbel, 1949; Berger, 1963; Start n Graham, 1964; Caldwell, 1964 ;. A.A. Jaley, 1964; N. G. Kulik, 1965, and others. N. G. Kulik conducted a simply unique experiment on himself and his students to determine the repeated maximum of one to 170 repetitions.

Imagine how much work was done! The result was a graph shown in the figure. It was published in the book of V. M. Zatsiorsky “Physical qualities of an athlete” (“Physical education and sport.” Moscow. 1966).

This figure shows the relationship between weighting (in% of the maximum weight) and the number of repeated bar presses for weightlifters (V. M. Zatsiorsky, N. I. Volkov, N. G. Kulik, 1965).

The solid line is the mean values ??aligned by the least squares method; dotted – standard deviations from the mean. These deviations just show the difference, which is determined by the mitochondrial mass.

According to the graph, we see that the average result of the exercise with a weight of 30% of the maximum of 50 repetitions, and the maximum result that can be achieved by increasing the mitochondrial mass, without increasing the maximum strength is 70 repetitions.

I must emphasize right away that, firstly, we are talking about the rigorous implementation of the exercise without using the energy of elastic deformation, and secondly, this is the data of 1965, when a method for increasing the number of mitochondria was not yet developed. So the right dashed line can be slightly shifted to the right.

Based on this graph, Zatsiorsky made the following conclusions:

“People with more power can perform a power exercise more times. However, this dependence is observed only if the magnitude of the power voltage is sufficiently large: at least 20-30% of the maximum force level.

With lesser weights, the number of possible repetitions or the duration of weight maintenance grows rapidly and practically does not depend on maximum strength (Romert, 1960; Lille et al., 1963). Partial endurance indices are independent of strength (Fessar, Lozier n Nuel, 1933; A.A. Sheidin and I.N. Kurbatova, 1936; A. Shabashova, 1939; V.V. Skryabin, 1958; I. G: Belyaev, 1959; Caldwell, 1963, 1964, n.); Moreover, they are often found (Hettinger, 1953; Tuttle et al., 1955; Dunn, 1960, and others) a negative correlation.

The following example explains the relationship between strength and endurance: suppose there are two athletes with the best results in the bar press, respectively 100 kg and 60 kg.

Obviously, the first athlete will squeeze a barbell weighing 50 kg more times; here his absolute indicators of endurance will be higher. If the same athletes are allowed to squeeze an object weighing 10 kg (less than 20% of the maximum strength of both athletes), then we cannot say in advance which of them will be more enduring.

In this case, endurance (number of repetitions) does not depend on the level of strength. Finally, when both athletes will squeeze the weight of 50% of their maximum strength (respectively 50 kg and 30 kg), then again it is unclear who will be sturdier. And here endurance does not depend on strength.

Since neither in life nor in sports people are ever equalized by their strength, in practice we are only interested in absolute indicators of endurance. As already noted, these indicators depend significantly on the level of strength, and moreover, the greater the greater the resistance that must be overcome.

Therefore, if it is necessary to repeatedly overcome significant resistance (approximately more than 75-80% of the maximum strength level), then in this case endurance can not be specially trained at all, limited only to the development of strength (McCloy, 1948; Kapen, 1951; A. A. Jaley, 1965, etc.).

With less resistance, attention should be paid to the education of both strength and endurance. For example, if a gymnast does not have enough “stamina” to keep his hands on the side (“cross”) for 3 seconds, then he still needs to train strength, not stamina.

But if a gymnast performs 4 crosses in one combination and cannot complete 5, then he needs to train endurance (along with strength). ”

As we can see, there is a direct pattern, the higher the% of the lifted weight from the maximum, the less the role of the mitochondrial mass in the working muscles and the greater the role of force. True, mitochondria are needed for recovery between approaches. Therefore, if there are several approaches, you can not do without them.

For example, in the national bench press the level of development of OMV and the mitochondrial mass of PMV and GMV play a small role.

The main thing is the force, that is, the mass of the GMP. The number of repetitions depends on the power reserve.

But in the bench, the role of mitochondria is more important. Firstly, because there is a bench press nomination with a weight of 55 kg. Secondly, because the rules of the competition allowed rest with a barbell on the chest. And recovery during this rest depends directly on the mitochondrial mass of the working muscles.

Mitochondrial mass in multi-repetitive exercises begins to matter when the athletes have the same PM. In this case, an athlete with more mitochondria will win.

After its PMV and GMV work out on phosphates, and reduce power, they will maintain their performance longer due to slower acidification. This will give an advantage. Although when working with a weight of 50-60% of the maximum, the contribution of mitochondria to the result is from 5 to 15%. For example, when working with a weight of 30% of the maximum, the contribution of mitochondria is already 60-70% (V. N. Seluyanov. Data from laboratory tests of skaters and cyclists).

As you can see, sometimes, in order to achieve results in a multi-discipline discipline, it is more advisable to train the GMP. And most importantly, keep the level of maximum strength until the competition. Only then can you fully realize your potential and show the maximum possible result.


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