In many instances, acne is the culprit for lost beauty and splendor. Even when it heals, it leaves behind ugly scars that rob the person affected off self-confidence. It is, therefore, fortunate to know that efforts such as laser acne scar removal procedures are bearing fruit. However, the question on whether laser techniques are effective in permanent removal of scars, still remains. The truth is that laser is one of the most effective ways of eliminating acne scars for good.

Here is why laser is indeed one of the best solutions for permanent removal of acne scars.

  1. Getting Rid of Damaged Skin

In many cases, the scars do not go deeper than the epidermis—the outer layer of the skin. The dermatologist may, therefore, recommend a laser procedure that removes the outer skin. The process may involve concentration of laser light on only the damaged part of the epidermis or the entire outer skin. In the end, a new skin free of scars replaces the old damaged one. The marvelous thing with laser treatment is the fact that it does not make holes into the skin’s surface. It just gets rid of the diseased skin to allow the body to grow a new flawless replacement.

  1. Cell Regeneration

One of the main causes of acne and accompanying scars is damage to skin cells. In order to eliminate the problem, the damaged cells must be removed and new ones produced. Laser removes the damaged cells, promoting collagen production and stimulates the creation of new ones. In the process, the scars disappear and you have a fresh new skin. Keep in mind that this kind of laser treatment involves penetration of the lasers deep into the skin, leaving the surface intact.

  1. Healing Damaged Blood Vessels and Glands

The acne on your skin may have reached such a point that the damage of blood vessels and glands is involved. Your dermatologist may, therefore, recommend that the lasers go beyond the epidermis and into innermost part of the skin. This is to ensure that any part of the skin (including blood vessels and glands) that is damaged is healed or removed to allow replacement to take place. The end result is complete elimination of the problem affecting your skin (and manifesting itself as acne and subsequent scars).

  1. Tightening up the Skin

In the process of enhancing shedding of the outer layer of the skin, lasers also get into the middle skin layers. The result is not only the removal of acne scars but also tightening of the skin. Thus, the skin will have a smoother appearance after the recovery from the laser treatment.

Final Thoughts

Laser treatment is one of the most effective and latest means of completely getting rid of acne scars. While the recovery period is not always as short as everyone hopes, the results are something worth waiting for. However, the effectiveness of laser acne scar removal is often determined by the person conducting it. Remember that there are different types of acne scars, each calling for its own type of laser treatment for better and lasting results.

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