Natural hormone insulin is an additional mechanism for the uptake of glucose by the cell. Those. it translates glucose into a “digestible” state so that it can enter the cell, that’s all. No level of sugar insulin regulates, but only helps to assimilate it! Therefore, they say that insulin is involved in the metabolism, but the amount of these substances, more precisely one – sugar, controls the liver! When the liver is healthy and not overloaded with various toxins and poisons, when a person leads a healthy lifestyle, there are no inflammatory processes in the body and immunity is healthy, when the kidneys do a good job, namely, they remove toxins and poisons outside the body, then more or less ok.

Otherwise, the regulation of blood glucose is violated, and the liver, being unable to hold the sugar, begins to excrete it into the blood in excessive quantities. Of course, the body can increase the amount of insulin produced to neutralize excess sugar, which in general is happening, but this is only a temporary measure and it does not fundamentally solve anything, since the liver continues to release glucose into the blood in abnormal quantities.

As a result, blood sugar continues to rise and, upon reaching a certain threshold, sugar appears in the urine. A person begins to overcome thirst, weakness, frequent urging to the toilet, and all this is accompanied by rapid weight loss. So, or similar, type 2 diabetes is developing. The patient is prescribed hypoglycemic pills that interfere with the absorption of sugar in the intestines and thereby achieve a decrease in blood sugar. Very smart decision…

Since the sugar stops being absorbed into the blood, the cells actually begin to starve – there is little sugar in the blood. Especially pernicious “sugar” fasting affects the nerve cells! In principle, they do not need insulin and they can assimilate sugar without it (insulin-independent), but they need glucose more than others, because of their paramount importance for the body, whose management requires a large amount of energy, and the most common and affordable carrier of this energy is glucose.

But back to the pills. With their help, they achieve a decrease in blood sugar by preventing its absorption in the intestine from food, or by blocking its production in the liver. As a result, the pancreas begins to produce less insulin, for its partial uselessness and sugar rises again. In response, the doctor once again increases the dose of medication, and everything repeats again.

In the end, the pancreas almost ceases to produce insulin, although initially it worked properly. The pills completely stop producing results and the patient is forced to be transferred to insulin injections, which finally finishes the pancreas and leads to its atrophy. A person becomes lifelong dependent on insulin, more precisely, its synthetic analogue, which is injected under the skin through a “syringe pen” or “insulin pump”, which does not change the essence of the matter.

The pump only allows more smoothly during the day to introduce a dose of the drug of the same insulin. Thus, diabetes of the 2nd type inevitably with this approach flows into diabetes of the 1st insulin-dependent type.

Some doctors of type 2 diabetes, which mainly affects adults and the elderly, consider the syndrome, that is, a temporary condition, with which I fully agree. With the right approach, a strict diet, moderate physical. loads and lifestyle changes in general, it is possible to recover from type 2 diabetes with a high probability, more accurately recover. In the same way as immunity is restored, so the functions of the liver are restored. The liver in general is in this sense a unique and unique organ whose cells are capable of regeneration (self-healing), with a reasonable approach and a healthy lifestyle!

There are several types of insulin: insulin of animal origin (pig, bovine), as well as human genetically engineered, although this is all the information that can be found on the insert. Neither formulas, nor descriptions, nor principles of action, but just some vague definition, which doesn’t really mean anything. In principle, the composition on the insert is almost the same everywhere indicated, and the solution itself, which contains the hormone, is absolutely identical in all insulins, which is strange from the point of view of organic chemistry, because different substances must behave differently in the same environment. But for now, you can leave this question aside.

Insulins are also subdivided into short-range (7-8 hours), which must be administered before each meal and long-acting (over 18 hours) with a single or double dose. And if the “short” insulins are designed to replace the natural hormone, then with extended insulin, the situation is completely different.

The fact is that in the body there is a mechanism of both lowering the level of sugar, and the opposite, that is, increasing this level. This is necessary so that sugar is always maintained in the strictly necessary amount, and so that there are no sharp jumps. Every day we eat a different amount of carbohydrates, and when they are not enough, the body increases their level at the expense of its own resources. This is where the liver is involved, as well as the hormone glucagon, which also produces the pancreas, only other cells are responsible for this process (“alpha”).

Glucagon is needed to produce its own glucose in the liver, and is responsible for the increase in blood sugar, when necessary. So “long” insulins suppress the production of glucagon, that is, simply inhibit the work of “alpha” cells, which leads to a decrease in blood sugar levels, and to atrophy of this group of pancreatic cells.

As a result, we have destroyed “beta” cells responsible for insulin production, and in addition to destroyed “alpha” cells, and a complete disruption of the mechanism for controlling blood sugar. Also, under the influence of insulin suffers more and liver, due to impaired glucose synthesis. And without a healthy liver, normal metabolism, in particular, carbohydrate metabolism, is impossible in general. That is why it is considered that the use of an “insulin pump” is much safer, in the sense of complications, and only because the pump uses only one “short” insulin, therefore the liver and the pancreas suffer much less, therefore, destructive consequences should less.

As a result, insulin completely suppresses the pancreas, and the process becomes irreversible. But that’s not all. And not the worst thing that life-long use of insulin leads to.

Before continuing, I have to publish here some boring data, without which it will be difficult to understand my further conclusions. I will cite only a few insulin names, since in composition they are almost all the same, which in itself is also strange.

Here are some of the most common insulins: Actrapid, Humulin, Lantus and others. Now let’s take a quick look at each of them separately. What are they made of? The data are taken from the inserts – instructions for the preparations, as well as from public official sources on the Internet.

In the table below, please pay attention to the same chemical composition of excipients, these insulin preparations, which in my opinion are the main cause of complications in diabetes mellitus.

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