Unleashing your artistic talents can inspire creativity and open your mind to new ideas.  You may not believe it at first, but finding new ways to be more artistic is important for the soul.   Exploring new designs and cultures can help create an appreciation for life and beauty. By shaking things through creativity, it paves the way for personal development.

Here are 5 easy ways to express yourself through art.


You may have gotten caught sketching in class when you were in high school, but in actuality, doodling boosts creativity.  So, grab a sketch pad and some colored pencils and take time in the day to doodle between work tasks. You can also purchase an adult coloring book, as coloring can reduce stress.

Visit an art gallery:

What better way to get inspired creatively than by looking at some of the artwork done by others.  There’s art galleries in virtually every city and you can even visit famous works of art online if you wish.  Browse a few exhibits and surround yourself with art  and innovation. There are so many artists, like Jon Rafman, an artist, filmmaker, and essayist. Jon Rafman’s work centers around the emotional, social and existential impact of technology on contemporary life.

Take pictures:

Taking some pictures on your phone or a good quality camera will allow you to capture some of life’s sweetest moments and it gets your creative juices flowing in the meantime.  Once you’ve taken the photos, you can apply a filter or two to add more personality.  You can also develop the pictures to create a photo album or scrapbook.

Take a class:

Whether you want to learn how to become a better artist through an online tutorial or an art class, it may be with signing up.  Taking a class can activate your mind and open you up to new techniques you may have never learned on your own.  There are plenty of creative classes to choose from, such as painting or pottery.  If you really want to have some fun, search for artist Bob Ross.  There are lots of old videos to choose from that will teach you how to paint.

Be a child:

There’s so much innocence to childhood, and as we age, that lighthearted nature seems to fade, but if you are playful with your art creations you can bring some of your inner childhood back.  Taking the time to have some fun and enjoy experimentation can foster the creative spirit you once had as a child. 

At the end of the day, art and creativity can open your eyes to a whole new world of possibilities, so, what are you waiting for?

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