Substance abuse is a difficult subject to discuss in general. Many people have been affected by drugs and alcohol in some way, but the stigma associated with the disease continues to stifle public discussion about programs to expand addiction treatment options and get those who are battling with substance misuse into detox centers. In many ways, openly discussing drugs and alcohol can be a powerful tool for preventing someone from embarking on or continuing down a disastrous road.Another helpful technique to enlighten people about how a pattern of addictive behavior begins is to understand how that path appears. While addiction affects everyone differently, the four stages of addiction recovery are a general guideline for how even casual use can transform into behavior that is difficult to control.
Addiction Recovery Stages
The four steps to recovery from addiction are as follows:
1. Withdrawal
When you stop using an addictive substance, your body may go through a withdrawal period as it adjusts to the absence of the drug. During this time, you may suffer withdrawal symptoms, which vary depending on the substance you consume. Also, depending on the severity and duration of the addiction, the withdrawal period might result in a variety of sensations.Many of the sensations you may encounter during this time are unpleasant and can lead to relapse. Cravings for the substance, irritability, sleeping problems, and other symptoms may be present.
Entering a treatment program, like a medical detoxcenter, that helps support your requirements as you go through withdrawal symptoms, could be a part of this stage. You have the option of enrolling in an inpatient addiction treatment program.
2. Early Abstinence
Because it is marked by increased optimism and overconfidence, this stage is sometimes known as the “Honeymoon” stage. It’s vital to remember that you’ll probably still have problems with unpleasant symptoms like mood swings and focus and memory throughout this time.
3. Long-term abstinence
This stage, sometimes known as “The Wall,” is when you may have cravings and revert to former behaviors. You may experience rage, depression, mood swings, and other tough symptoms and experiences during this period. Making it through this stage, however, can start to show you positive changes from your recovery. It’s a good time to start making lifestyle changes that will lead to a life of abstinence.
5. Resolution/adjustment
This is the stage where you keep moving forward on the road to recovery and make positive lifestyle changes. You might be pleased with the progress you’ve made. Understanding and accepting recovery as a lifelong process is an important part of the recovery process.
How Can I Avoid Relapsing?
To avoid relapse, it’s critical to maintain a healthier lifestyle and monitor for signs of relapse. Confronting and addressing underlying issues that may contribute to relapse, such as mental health issues, negative thoughts and feelings, unhealthy relationships, and a poor lifestyle can also aid in maintaining long term sobriety.
Mallard Lake Detox CenterIs the Best Recovery Center in Houston, Texas
Addiction recovery is a lifelong process that necessitates dedication and changes in many aspects of one’s life. People with substance use disorders can benefit from these four stages of treatment because they can learn about the benefits of recovery, find motivation to change their behavior, and learn new skills that will help them succeed in the long run. At Mallard Lake Detox Center, we walk together with our patients in their addiction recovery journey. Our team is committed to helping you out. Call us today!