Are you planning a road trip this summer? If you are, you may find yourself dealing with a road emergency or car accident. Follow these safety tips to help you prevent a road emergency or deal with it safely if you do have one.

How to Prevent a Road Emergency

Many road emergencies can be avoided with some careful planning and attention to your vehicle. Before your trip, do the following:

  • Inspect your tires for low tread, cracks or bubbles in the sidewall. If in doubt, have a professional auto repair specialist inspect them.
  • Inspect your wiper blades to ensure they are firmly attached and in good condition. Fill the washer fluid tank under the hood.
  • Check your oil level and fill as needed or get an oil change if it’s due.
  • Have any existing symptoms checked out by a mechanic. A road trip will worsen anything that’s already starting to break or fail.

How to Prepare for a Road Emergency

If you do have a road emergency or car accident, you’ll want to be as prepared as possible. Good preparations will ensure your safety and comfort while you wait for assistance or help you get back on the road faster.

  • Put a fresh gallon of water in the trunk. You’ll be able to either drink it or use it to take care of an overheated radiator.
  • Keep a box of non-perishable snacks in the trunk in case help doesn’t arrive for a while. Be sure to include child-friendly snacks if appropriate.
  • Store emergency numbers in your cell phone. One to have on speed dial is a car accident lawyer Houston residents can rely on for fair and expert legal representation.
  • Keep a battery charger in the car that works independently of another vehicle. These can often be operated through the cigarette lighter.

How to Stay Safe While You Wait for Help

Your safety is at risk until help arrives. Follow these tips to ensure help arrives quickly and that you stay safe until it does.

  • Give the tow truck company the mile marker where you broke down so the driver can find you easier.
  • Place a flare or red flag on or near your vehicle to enable passing drivers to see you.
  • Stay in the car and lock the doors if the car is safely off on the berm.
  • Turn down help from strangers without exiting your vehicle if you have a tow truck en route.
  • Never exit your vehicle on the highway side, or try to cross lanes of traffic on foot.

Hopefully, you won’t need roadside assistance, but if you do end up with a car emergency such as a car accident, these safety tips may get you and your loved ones get through the ordeal as safely as possible.

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