Despite the EEOICPA and RECA offering compensations to people who had been suffering from serious illnesses due to exposure to radiation, both have been known to cover certain individuals and need different filing procedures.

In the event of you qualify for the benefits offered; you would be eligible to receive medical expenses covered. It would be inclusive of home health care as well. Therefore, in the event of you having some queries about the kinds of medical costs that would be covered, it would be essential to get in touch with an experienced home health care professional who would be able to describe the conditions along with the services.

The division of energy employees occupational illness compensation program would ensure that you would be compensated adequately for the accepted illnesses while working with radioactive materials.

How to file for EEOICPA benefits

Only the former or present DOE workers would be eligible for the benefits offered by EEOICPA. To find about whether you have a claim, you would be required to submit a comprehensive record of employment history along with all reports of medical evidence of a diagnosis and an official claim form. In case, you were the surviving spouse, you would be required to file the claim encompassing a marriage certificate, whereas the surviving children would need to attach a birth certificate.

The forms for DEEOIC or the Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation have been made available online. After you have completed the form, you would be required to mail the forms to the DOL Division of Energy Employees Occupational Illness Compensation central mail room. In case, you have queries about the forms or the evidence has been deemed critical for establishing a claim, you would be given the option to get in touch with the Resource Centers located across the country. They would help you complete, submit the forms, and pass on the documents to DEEOIC.

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