Success and failure are the two essential things in life. Even in trading, you can’t avoid success and failure. Sometimes, beginners might feel that successful Singaporean traders have not faced any failures. But that’s not true because every successful trader’s life involves losses and mistakes. If you don’t encounter failure, you will not feel the beauty of success. But we are not trying to say that you should make a mistake. Instead, we want to make you understand that mistakes and failures are a part of your journey. However, before you think of success and failure, think whether you deserve trading success? What have you done to enjoy success? Do you practice often? Do you make use of a demo account? Well, a lot of unanswered questions in your mind right now, so let’s see!
Why did you start trading?
This is one of the main questions that you need to answer. Do you know why you started trading? Do you know the final goal of trading? There are different types of beginners. Some beginners enter the market with the motivation to make money. Some other beginners enter the market with becoming successful. Some others enter the Forex market because everyone else is doing it and Forex seems like the hot topic.
Honestly, is this how you make a decision? We don’t think a trader with the mindset to make quick money deserves trading success. Someone ready to learn, analyze, and explore the market deserves trading success. If you are not ready to do any of these, you will not be able to meet your trading goals. However, the answer to the question ‘why did you start trading,’ will decide whether you deserve trading success or not!
Learn from your trading mistakes
Mistakes are always appreciated as long as you learn from them. Being a new trader in the CFD trading industry you need to find the mistakes in your trading system. Act like the professional traders in Singapore and you will eventually get better at trading. Try to keep things organized and trade the market with proper discipline. Follow a paper-based trading journal so that you can find the weakness. Never think you can make a huge profit without doing the complex task. Push yourself to the edge and learn how this market works.
Are you eager to learn?
Learning is one of the essential sections of trading. If you don’t learn, you are going to have a lot of doubts. This is why learning is essential. Many successful people still do what they did at the beginning despite their success. Why do you think they keep doing what they did in the beginning? Is it because of the hunger for money? Or is it because of their passion?
The ones who follow their passion even after achieving success are the ones who truly deserve it! So now, think whether you are interested in learning trading skills and techniques even though you already know a few. Think about whether you like learning more about trading even though you have enough information at hand.
Are you a disciplined individual?
If you read the stories of successful people, you will understand that almost all the successful people had a disciplined life. Without discipline, you can’t achieve your goals and dream. If you are not disciplined, you are likely to get carried away. This is why you need to turn yourself into a disciplined individual to deserve trading success.
If you answer the above questions, you will get a clear picture of what you are doing. You will think about whether the time and effort that you exert for trading are worthy. If you don’t deserve the success, why would you spend time and effort for it? This is why you need to re-work on the things you missed and start trading with a goal!