In the written test, you will have only 30 minutes, and it will have two tasks. Many people write this type of exam they book online, or they go directly. You can pay online money for A2 English test booking. There are many ways to pay money.

Task 1

In this task, you have to fill the form. In the form, the examiners with ask you six questions. The first three questions will be elementary because you have to answer it, only one word. And the other three you have to answer in 10 – 15 words.

Tips and Ideas for Task 1

  • You have to write the answers. So read every question and what the examiners are saying read and listen carefully so that you avoid mistakes. You can advise the person who has already passed this type if it is your friend or any family member so he or she will guide you properly. There is no need to take tension because the questions are straightforward; even a small child can answer it. When you are writing the test, underline keywords. So that you will not miss the main points, by this, you can understand the question properly.
  • Before you start writing, read the question at least two times. So that you can avoid any wrong words.
  • Suppose you want to score good marks. Write the sentence in the simple or present tense. This type of tenses is prevalent. So you can apply on the time of the test.
  • When you write answers to make sure you are writing the information honestly. Means you have to write what is the truth to avoid any trouble.

Task 2

In this task, you have to write a message. There two options so you can choose any one of them. The options are email or postcard.

Tips and Ideas for Task 2

  • After you have selected what you want to write, spend a few minutes to make important notes. By this, it will help you. The information should contain as many keywords it can. So by that, the answer will be proper and correct.
  • If you make plans, then your plan will work. Certain people go without plans, so they end up regretting.
  • Do not count the words. But see that you have written more than 50 words.
  • The best things is that you can write short forms to make your hinge shorter and easy to understand. Try to write things about people you know so that you will write accurate and you will not make any mistakes.

Writing exam is not so tough. You have to practice more before going to the test. If you practice more, you will write very fast. And will be selected immediately. But the result will come at some time. Within one week or even earlier, you will get your result. Make your handwriting big and clear to understand it properly by the end. Do not panic while writing; it is not a hard exam. Many people write these kinds of exam, so do not take more stress before entering the exam centre.

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