Without any reasonable doubt, physical activity has been deemed good for you. However, are you aware of the different ways of how exercise would improve your overall health? Let us delve on some of the important ways recommended by David Guillod whereby exercise would improve your overall health.


  • Lowers the risk of stroke, heart disease, and diabetes


You should rest assured that a healthier heart would reduce any risk of cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and stroke.


  • Improved cardiovascular health


As you were aware that the heart has been deemed a muscle, it would require a proper workout. You should do regular exercises to improve the overall health of your complete cardiovascular system.


  • Alleviated blood pressure


Your heart and blood vessels would remain healthy by regular physical activity. It would also help in the prevention of hypertension.


  • Management of proper weight


You would be able to burn excess calories with regular physical activity. It would be helpful in improving your metabolism in the best manner possible.


  • Improved endurance and muscular strength


Through exercises, you would be challenging your muscular strength. It would result in stronger and bigger muscles.


  • Increased aerobic fitness


When you take part in aerobic activities, you would be improving the ability of your body to make the most of oxygen in the lungs and transport the oxygen adequately to the other parts of the body through blood. You would enjoy swimming, cycling, and running.


  • Relief from stress


You should rest assured that exercise has been deemed a great mode to seek adequate relief from stress. It has been deemed an effective method to boost your mood.


  • Benefits to mental health


Exercise has been deemed good for your mental health. It would help you lighten up and reduce any feelings of depression, anxiety, improve your self-esteem, and sharpen your focus.


  • Improved sleep


You would be aware of the importance of sleep. It would be pertinent to mention here that exercise and sports would improve your sleep largely.


  • Controlling your cholesterol levels


Sports and exercises have been known to reduce LDL or bad cholesterol levels along with increasing HDL or good cholesterol levels.


  • Lowers the risk of different kinds of cancer


Your regular exercise routine would lower the risk of developing colon, lung, and breast cancer.


  • Strengthens your immunity


When you exercise more, you would have fewer sick days.

More benefits are listed by David Guillod such as prolonged life, warding off osteoporosis, and improving range of motion, and joint flexibility.


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