In this article, we will talk about the aspects that should be taken into account for the selection of means of transport, remember that each method or means of transport should be aimed to the needs and management of the product, as well as costs and other factors that then we present

How to Select Shipping Methods

The ability to decide the correct shipping method to export products or import depends on several factors, including whether it is urgent, the characteristics of the merchandise, the cost, the need for careful handling of merchandise, the weight and volume, the value of the goods, the frequency and regularity of delivery and the reliability of the transportation method.

Many factors must be wholly considered when planning the shipment of any merchandise, and these factors can be conflicting. It may be that they can’t be sent by air transport due to lack of funds or because of the type of merchandise that prevents sending it by air. The utilization of Incoterm in the means of transport facilitates the operation between supplier and recipient.

One recommendation is that if the merchandise you send by Exchange Rate is of great value, do it by air transportation, if it is relative of lesser value, do it by maritime transportation.

Here we present aspects that you should be considered:

Type of Merchandise

In some cases, the merchandise allows having several shipping options; in other cases, there are no options. For instance, perishable goods or products must be sent by air, whereas products such as fertilizers, insecticides or sewer pipes must be transported by land or sea (dangerous products should not be transported by air).


The distance between the origin and the recipient determines the type of transport required. The ground transportation is logical in some cases. The factors that have to be considered can be the infrastructure of the means of transport, safety, care, weather conditions, among others.

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