An electric compressor, or electric air compressor, is a mechanical device that is equipped with a built-in motor. It increases the pressure of a gas by reducing its volume. An air compressor increases pressure in a storage tank by forcing more air into it. The compressed air is retained in the tank until it is needed to be used for the purpose it has been stored. Once the tank reaches its lower limit, the electric compressor re-pressurizes the tank. The power of a compressor is measured in Horsepower (HP) and cubic feet per minute (CFM) of the air intake.


Electric air compressor can be majorly identified into three different categories:

  • Low-pressure air compressors
  • Medium-pressure compressors
  • High-pressure air compressors

They can be further classified into a few more categories according to design and their working principle:

  • Single-Stage Reciprocating Compressor
  • Two-Stage Reciprocating Compressor
  • Compound Compressor
  • Rotary-screw compressor
  • Rotary Vane Compressor
  • Scroll Compressor
  • Turbo compressor
  • Centrifugal compressor


Application of Electric Compressor

An extensive list of application of air compressor includes:

  • Supplying of high-pressure clean air to fill gas cylinders that contain gas at above atmospheric pressure.
  • Supply of moderate-pressure, clean air to diving equipment that supplies breathing gas to submerged divers, from the surface, either from the shore or from a diving support vessel.
  • Supplying moderate-pressure air in a large amount to power some tools that are run by compressed air, like a jackhammer, for filling tires and filling of high-pressure air tanks.

Maintenance of electric air compressor should be performed routinely, such as monitoring and air compressor fitting, to make sure there is no oil or air leakage. Maintaining a routine check-up daily whether the oil in the compressor should be changed and for differential pressure in the compressed air filter, ensures the longevity of the compressor and accidents can be prevented.

One of the many reasons to use Electric compressor over gas/diesel powered generator is that gas/diesel fueled generator is noisy and requires ventilation for exhaust gases. It is mostly used in rural areas with no or less access to electricity. Electric compressor, on the other hand, make less noise, with no exhaust gas to pollute the air. An electric compressor is durable and can be used for a more extended period if it is maintained properly with a routine check-up for any leaks. Preferring electric compressor to diesel ones also include saving money on energy as electricity is cheaper than diesel fuel.  Conserving resources, increasing reliability, enhancing safety are few other benefits of electric compressors.

One can find an electric compressor for sale in various designated dealers of certain companies that manufacture electric compressors. People can also ask for multiple benefits of using an electric compressor in the dealers and decide upon which company would better for their use, depending upon the energy consumption, horsepower, cooler running temperature, and safety measures. All the benefits and disadvantages, if any available, will be provided by the dealers that deal with electric compressor sales.

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