Every single person in the world have a unique DNA. Some of the peopleare different from each other because of its gene defect. Some people have the mutation genes in their body which passes from the parents. These mutation genes in a person are called either heterozygous or homozygous. One of the most important genes is MTHFR. People with this mutation may have various issues about their health like anxiety, insomnia,and pains. But they don’t know why they are suffering from these kinds of health issues. Some of the people think that is must be a genetic problem so they have these issues about their health.

Disruption of Methylation

  • Improper diet: if you are suffering from MTHFR you must take the proper diet.
  • Toxic environment: you must avoid the toxic chemicals which are used in beauty products.
  • Stress: if you are suffering from the genes defect you don’t have to take the stress. Stress can produce the disruption of methylation.
  • Wrong supplements: Avoid takingthe wrong supplements and folic acid.
  • Medications: Take the medicine with concerns of the doctors.
  • Drugs: you must take the best medicine for methylation.



  1. Addictive Behaviors
  2. Infections
  3. Bipolar disorder
  4. Chronic pain
  5. Fibromyalgia
  6. Dementia/Alzheimer’s
  7. Cancer


If you are suffering from the MTHFR genes defect you must consume dark leafy greens because they have natural folates. It will help the person who is suffering from the effect of the gene. The person who is suffering from the gene defect must consume green leafy vegetables. You must avoid processed foods asmany of themcontain folic acid. If you are suffering from MTHFR defect you should not consumea heavy diet. The person who is suffering from this gene defect has the problem to eliminate toxins from the body. The things you can do to eliminate those toxins are: you need to drink enough water, you can soak your feet and you can also use the sauna.

Nowadays 50% to 80% of people have a mutation in their MTHFR gene which was passed from their parents. Many scientists are researching about the MTHFR gene and its health implications. The MTHFR gene testing will provide you with the full information about this gene. The person who is suffering from the MTHFR has two most common genes affected C677T or A1298C.

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