If you have ever thought about how to quickly succeed with your brand on the Internet with Amazon store management, the Marketplace offers us a fantastic opportunity to expand the sales of our ecommerce and in this field, Amazon has won the game by beating as the main global Marketplace.

What steps should we follow and what tools do we have at our disposal to succeed in Amazon?

The first thing that we must take into account is that the management of this channel, like any other sales channel that we decide to explore, requires some knowledge, as well as dedication and management according to the importance of it. Trust in Amazon store management professionals allows you to achieve sustained growth and avoid problems such as temporary and permanent blockages to your account.

Selected markets Accounts Creation

It is very important to determine in what platform, of which Amazon gives us, we want to enter, as well as the way in which its growth will be planned in each one of them.

Each of the different platforms requires a new registration and for each country within each platform we can decide what is the distribution policy, and prices, which we will determine based on the market and competition that we find there.

Since it varies depending on the business sector to which we dedicate ourselves, as well as determining the shipping costs and if we choose to use our usual logistics provider or those offered by us. Amazon We must also decide if the stock will be at the origin or in the different stores of each platform or country.

Creation and management of the catalog

Amazon allows us to sell almost anything on your platform, so we offer the possibility to create our listings manually, or through its API. Depending on the software used for our virtual assistant UK store there are available modules that will allow you to synchronize the store with Amazon.

To optimally create the listing, we need to follow the Amazon style guide, the classification and categorization tools, as well as the product detail pages, to favor positioning within the Marketplace.

It is also important to include a detailed and attractive description, take care of the field of the 5 main characteristics of the product since it will be the first thing that the buyer sees when entering the product file, images with good quality, include the relevant keywords so that The buyer can locate our product and the greatest number of descriptive details of the product.

Automation of tools

Amazon allows us a good number of tools to carry the marketplace management as well as a configuration of alert systems to detect actions and changes in the products of the competition that may affect our positioning for Amazon store management and sales level.

In this section it is important to make a deep price analysis. Although the observation seems absolutely banal, it is not uncommon to find prices for products that apply commissions, transport costs, etc. … you detect that the seller is really losing money when selling his product and is not aware of it.

With all this we would determine our price, as well as the maximum and minimum to configure in the automation tools in order to maximize profitable sales.

Management of Promotional Tools

Amazon carries out an important task of promoting the products sold from its Marketplace in third-party Google AdWords networks.

That is to say that when selling your products in Amazon indirectly you are also advertising them through Google merchant, AdWords, etc. This is a very interesting key when our competition in AdWords is high, as it will be the people of Seattle who invests in advertising, even when the cost of advertising is not profitable at first.

Amazon Logistics

Amazon Logistics allows us to send products to their warehouses, and they are the ones who take care of the logistics management when a product is purchased.

The advantages of this system are multiple, since it reduces the management of each order, the guarantees offered by the Amazon service in relation to breakages or returns are very good, the shipping costs are highly competitive, the negative valuations in relation to the shipments do not affect our account, etc.

We must also bear in mind that when we send our products to an Amazon store, it does not distribute our products all over the world, but within that economic area. That is, if we have products in a warehouse in Madrid, and a client from Germany buys us, Amazon will send the product to Germany, BUT, if the order comes from the United States, for example, Amazon will not manage that shipment. For this you should have published your product outside of Logistics, or, position your products in a Logistics warehouse in the United States.

Account Performance Management

The levels of quality demanded by Amazon, impose a level of management and monitoring of the huge marketplace. Maintaining the required standards can, on the one hand, help us improve our positioning within the Marketplace, but if we fail, we can find frequent account suspension, with the consequent stoppage of sales in the Marketplace, retention of amounts pending collection, etc.

Work in this regard is not limited to the Amazon store management of customer valuations. Amazon tracks quality levels at various points:

  • Account Ratings
  • Customer complaints
  • Payment refund
  • Response times ratios
  • Ratios of delays in responses
  • Negative evaluation of the answers
  • Cancellations prior to shipment
  • Delays in order preparation
  • Delays in the delivery of orders
  • Identification of valid tracking

It is necessary to have a good management of the account, orders, delivery and delivery deadlines, management of the queries and claims of the final customer within the periods set by the Amazon standard to maintain the optimum level of performance, the metrics of the marketplace and the level of customer satisfaction.


Like Google, Amazon has a logarithm that determines which products appear first in their search results, in web directories or who wins the “Buy Box”.

The customer that is searching for in Amazon, is more often than not in an altogether different period of the buy procedure than who is completing a pursuit in Google, notwithstanding, similarly as it occurs in the web index, getting a decent position in our items can assume the contrast among progress and disappointment.

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