• New Recycling Proposals and Consultation


The UK government is trying to tackle recycling collection inconsistencies across England and has opened a consultation to collect views from the public and businesses. Currently, the government has plans to standardize recycling collections by all local authorities, with the same kind of materials being collected no matter where you live. These plans include standardization for plastics, metal, paper, cardboard, and glass products as well as separate food and garden waste collections. There is also a bold proposal to require businesses to separate their residual waste from recyclable waste.


  • Desire for Continued Recycling Progress Amidst Changes


The proposed changes are in response to recycling rates that have plateaued in recent years, and a desire for continued progress in recycling efforts. Some local authorities do not collect all of the recyclable materials possible, which prevents communities from reaching full recycling capacity and confuses residents. The government seeks to remedy this problem through its collection expansion and standardization across local authorities. The recycling changes also hope to address issues with the quality of recycled waste since China’s 2018 ban on the import of contaminated plastic and paper requires higher standards. Making sure recyclable materials are not contaminated by food waste is an important step.


  • Consultation Seeking Input from Public


The government is seeking input on their plans to improve recycling efforts and has opened a consultation from February 18, 2019 through May 13, 2019. They would like views on the standardization of recyclable material collection, separation of food and garden waste collection, and requiring businesses to separate recyclable materials from other waste. For the last item, they’re also seeking perspectives on how to collect more recyclables from businesses while creating a more cost-effective environment for businesses’ waste disposal. The government would like to get feedback on all of these items from affected localities, residents, and businesses including waste disposal companies. It’s important that you have your say on waste disposal and collection on how it might affect you.


  • Improved Recycling Outcomes for England


The proposed changes in recycling collection could significantly improve outcomes across the country. Many residents don’t know what they are actually able to recycle and the changes would standardize collections in order to reduce inconsistencies. Some localities may see their range of recyclables expand as a result of this. In addition, further attention to the quality of recyclables and preventing cross-contamination will make sure that materials are actually able to be recycled. Mandating collection of recyclables from businesses could also dramatically improve recycling outcomes.


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