It is convenient to ensure the contribution of these three nutrients since we plan to have a child and it is advisable to keep it for nine months.

Folic Acid Or B9

The folic acid is a vitamin with a key role in cell division and DNA synthesis, so that when there is a lack of cell multiplication capacity suffers and can cause anemia. Different studies have shown that supplementing the diet with folic acid, before conception and during the first trimester of pregnancy, reduce the incidence of neural tube defects in the newborn. Similarly, a low intake of folates (the way acid is found in food) increases the risk of premature births and can lead to low birth weight. With the best fertility clinic uk you can find the best bets now.

Where is it located?

The best sources of folic acid are foods of plant origin such as green leafy vegetables (spinach, Swiss chard, cabbage), in addition to whole grains, nuts, legumes, fruit (orange, banana, avocado …), brewer’s yeast , wheat germ. To a lesser extent, they come from fish, meat and dairy products. It must also be taken into account that folates are very sensitive to heat, so cooking and keeping food at room temperature can destroy almost half of the content, therefore the use of supplementation.

How much to take

In fertile age, a consumption of 400 micrograms per day is recommended, especially before pregnancy, an amount that is double that recommended for men.


It is part of the thyroid hormones, where energy metabolism is stored and regulated. Iodine deficiency is related to a higher incidence of miscarriages, hence the importance of ensuring your intake before becoming pregnant. It is also associated with an increase in cases of congenital malformations, perinatal and infant mortality, psychomotor development defects and, in cases of severe deficiency, can cause cretinism (a disease characterized by physical and mental retardation).

Where is it located?

Iodine is part of seaweed, fish, shellfish, and some vegetables. Iodized salt can be used to cover your needs. In fact, this food has practically eradicated its deficiency in developed countries, but not in less developed countries and where the soil is poor in this trace element and, therefore, the vegetables that are grown do not contain it in sufficient quantities.

How much to take

Women who want to become pregnant and pregnant women need about 200 micrograms a day, a figure that will increase to 300 micrograms during breastfeeding.To cover these nutritional requirements, a varied and balanced diet must be followed, which implies the frequent intake of fish and vegetables, in addition to resorting to iodized salt for flavoring dishes.

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