Your eyes are more than just a look into your soul; they are your ability to establish your viewpoint of the world around you and decide how you are going to interact with those you see. That is why it is so important to understand the new advances coming to fruition in ophthalmology. Here are just a few of the many amazing new discoveries and techniques in eye care.

A Wiggle During Surgery

Ever wonder how doctors can make sure they don’t move their hand, sneeze, or take a breath during surgery? Any of those movements could cause the placement of a lens to be a fraction of an inch off, but that would be enough to make sight blurry. Kang Zhang MD, a leading eye geneticist, supports a new computer AI-based program that reduces error and lowers the prediction mistakes.

Say Yes to the Lens

As the population grows older, more cataract surgeries are performed each year. To improve the placement of the new lenses, tiny implants have been invented that are so small that the slit into the eye is minuscule. That means the lens is much easier to place and stays put much easier. To help healing, no sutures are required, so there is much less trauma to the eye.

Shunts Are Not Diversions

Glaucoma patients have needed eye drops for decades. The use of the new shunt can reduce 25 percent of the intraocular pressure, and that means no more eye drop irritations to already sensitive eyes. The use of shunts is automatic now with glaucoma surgical patients, and it has proven to be a success.

No Chart for Eyes Included

The standard electronic records system in most medical systems has no place for an ophthalmology chart. That is why some doctors have created their own and licensed it to a major scientific organization. It should be available worldwide soon.

Eyes do change as patients age, so it is good to know that methods of diagnosing and treating problems associated with eyes are also changing. It is surprising how many advancements there are in the medical world each year.