So you’re going on a Florida beach vacation. Great! It’s sure to be wonderful. And while we’re sure that you would have a blast with your fellow vacationers or by yourself no matter what your attire, we do have a few suggestions to share. But if you pick out some beach-appropriate clothes that will help you look great, feel confident, and be proud of all of those vacation photos you’re sure to take, then you’ll get more out of your upcoming trip.

Plan for the right spots, weather, and activities

If you’re going on a beach vacation, the beach is going to loom large in your plans. So be sure to take that into account as you pick out your clothes. Now is a good time to consider other things you might be doing, too. You have a ton of great places to see on Florida’s Gulf Coast, and also plenty of attractions besides the beach. So be sure that you have a sense of what you’ll actually be doing each day so that you remember to buy clothes that are appropriate to those activities.

For instance, you’ll probably want a couple of swimsuits and something light and beach-worthy to cover yourself with when you decide to give your skin a break from the sun. But you’ll also want slightly less beach-casual attire in case you want to head into town for a nice dinner or a night at the bars. And all of these options should take into account the climate of the area you’re headed to — lightweight fabrics are a must!

Make packing and getting dressed on vacation easy

Another great strategy for traveling is to emphasize clothes that are easy to mix and match. Picking clothes in the same color family can make it easier for you to throw something on in the morning without worrying that you’ll end up stranding your last clean top with a bottom that just doesn’t match. Consider grabbing some one-piece outfits, too, so that you don’t have to worry about assembling matching getups every day.

Find your inspiration

To find clothes that are truly “you,” look for inspiration online and in magazines — and keep track of what you find. A scrapbook, folder, binder, or a digital computer folder full of downloaded images can serve as your inspiration (“inspo,” in fashion-fan slang) stash. Turn to it frequently as you shop and try to match up your dream outfits with real-world counterparts that you can actually afford.

Save some money

Speaking of being able to afford your outfits, you’ll definitely want to be careful about where you shop, especially if you don’t plan to wear this stuff a lot back home. Save time and money by shopping online, but don’t sacrifice fit, fashion, or quality. Turn to online boutiques rather than big e-commerce giants to ensure that you’re working with folks who actually know their stuff.

Vacations are great for us. They help us relax and recharge, which means we’ll return to our normal lives as more productive (and, in fact, healthier) individuals. Looking good is good for us, too, because it boosts our confidence and helps us relax and enjoy life. So take a little time to prepare the perfect wardrobe for your vacation — it will help ensure that you get all of the great things that you should out of this upcoming trip. Have fun!

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